Let's Feel stronger, together.

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Bodywork, Pilates & Individual Training

Rejuvenation, mobility, flexibility, strength, well being: those are our goals together. I am here to listen to you; I want to know about your body, your challenges, your goals. I am here to create a safe space for you, and for your endeavors. I am here to support you if you need to vent out your frustrations, disappointments, and fears. Our direction is to lessen the pressure, decrease the stress, and invite your body to thrive, to transform. No judgements.

Always keep moving.

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There are many reasons we seek recursive training, guidance, or coaching. We may have suffered an injury, woken up one day with a pain we don't understand, or we may have simply softened on our exercise routine. Regardless of etiology, you are here because you want something to change. And by working together our aim is to give you the tools to make yourself better, stronger, and more confident every day. To empower you with the knowledge of helping you heal your body and bring it in harmony with its full potential. The goal of my training is always to teach autonomy: I want you to learn and become proficient in the language of your body. We need to discover your strengths and augment them, and find the weaknesses wherein we target improvements.

Healing starts in the mind.

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All our work will start with these words: focus and discipline. Especially when we have suffered an injury, had a setback or surgery, we fall into that horrible feeling that we will never regain the life or mobility we had before. We need to know with confidence that all bodies will adapt to routine, and we must listen to our bodies to chart out the right road map for success. So if today the clouds seem to be lowered upon your house, we must remember that they can and will pass--only if we focus, and believe on our target of well-being.

A Little About Me.

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I am here to heal and to empower you. I am certified in advanced Mat Pilates with over 500 hours of training and ten years of practice. I work under the counsel of Dr. Vijay Vad by referral using his Back Rx® regimen to help alleviate back & joint pain, as well as help you build core strength to prevent further injury. I also have a Bachelor's of Fine Arts degree in Dance, where I studied anatomy, massage, somatic practices, kinesiology, acupressure, yoga, reflexology, Alexander Technique, and injury prevention & recovery. As a choreographer and dancer I am attuned to body movement from a holistic and systemic view regarding healing and recovery. My commitment is to listen to you, to listen to your body, and from there we chart the course of growth together. As a performer I have lived in New York, Tel Aviv, London, Berlin, Paris, Dublin, Vienna and my hometown of Puebla, Mexico. I am fluent in English, Spanish, Italian, and French, and can converse in Portuguese, German, and Hebrew.

In addition to choreographing, dancing, and acting, I also sit for artists and photographers, so if you'd like to see my modeling and fitness shots you can find those over here: whoismiguelangel.com

Let's Do This.

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Talk does not cook rice.

Contact me via e-mail at:

miguel [at] bodybymiguel [dot] nyc